Wednesday, May 1, 2019

This American Life


I really enjoyed this podcast. When I took Political Science last semester I wrote an entire paper on Brown V Board of Education and this podcast talked about a lot of the points I made in my paper. In my paper I had to talk not only about what the court case was but the ways in which it still affects society today. This podcast talked about the achievement gap between schools that are primarily white and schools that are primarily black. The podcast talks about how we need to take a step back and try something that is actually going to work. They talked about how one of the only things that actually works is integration. To me, it was so shocking to hear that there are still statistics showing that schools aren't actually fully integrated. I understand that these kids may not live in the same areas and thats why they are technically segregated. But, black children need to get the same opportunities as white children. This podcast reminded me of Kozol because his whole article is about the privilege that white people have over black people right from the start because of geographical location. These minorities and disadvantaged people are continuously stuck in a cycle of oppression because of things they cannot control. These kids don't choose to go to these schools but then when someone tries to do something to get them the opportunities they deserve and integrate them, the people with privilege are outraged. 

Image result for check your privilege

People with privilege and power are the ones that write the rules, and then they get mad when people try to create a situation in which other people are given a chance. These people need to check their privilege  and take a step back and realize what they have just because of the color of their skin. Everyone should have the same opportunities regardless of the color of their skin especially when it comes to education.