Monday, March 4, 2019

Snow Day Class

Snow Day Class

Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves

1. The moral or takeaway of this story is that Popeye is stronger than 40 thieves and their leader Ali Baba. Popeye can fight them all of on his own in order to save Olive.
2. The main protagonist is Popeye, a white, American man.
3. I'm not really sure that a Servant was portrayed in this film but one could argue that Olive is Popeye's servant or supporting character because Popeye has to save her. Olive is a white, American female.
4. The joker in this film is J. Wellington Wimpy. He is a white, American male.
5. This show does not pass the Bechdel test. The only female in the whole episode is Olive and she does not talk to any other females because there are none.
6. This episode conveys that men are stronger and more valuable. In the beginning Popeye is the one with the job guarding the airplane while Olive is just sitting around waiting for him to give her attention and affection. This creates the message that woman should sit around and wait for a man, and when the woman gets herself into trouble they should wait for their man to come and save them.
7. This show conveys that white people, white American men in particular are superior to other races and ethnicities, as a white man is portrayed as the hero and other races are portrayed as thieves and or cowards who hide in their house while their town is ransacked.


1. The moral or take away of this story is that family comes first and that love takes time. All of Anna and Elsa's problems are caused by their miscommunications and lack of a solid relationship. Once they get to know each other and form that sister bond, where Anna no longer feels rejected and shut out, their problems start to go away. The second moral that love takes time is proved by Anna and Kristoff's relationship. Anna is at first "in love" with Hans and Kristof proves to her that you can't love someone that you don't actually know and the two end up falling in love with out even trying, just by getting to know each other and caring about one another.
2. The main protagonist is Anna, a white woman.
3. The servant I guess you could say is Sven because he helps Kristoff and is his pet reindeer.
4. The joker in this film is Olaf who is a snowman.
5. This movie does pass the Bechdel Test because Anna and Elsa do have conversations about things other than men and form a relationship between the two of them.
6. This movie conveys that family is our real true love. Only an act of true love could save Anna and while she assumed that meant kissing Hans or Kristof, she is saved instead when she sacrifices her life and tries to save Elsa rather than worrying about herself. This shows that men are not woman's saviors, even though Anna originally thought that.
7. This movie conveys the importance of family and friends and having strong bonds outside of just romantic relationships. However the movie still focuses mainly on white people and suggests that white people are more important because there are few, if any people of color through out the whole movie.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you compared the movies. It shows all aspects.
